Sous-Vide , which means "vacuum" in French, refers to the process of vacuum sealing food in a bag and then cook them to a very precise temperature in a water bath. This technique produces results that are impossible to achieve through any other cooking method.
Food maintains its original flavors, little or no additional salt or fat is needed during cooking, vitamins and minerals are not lost unlike boiling or steaming. High Healthy Kitchen ,

Apply the technique of great chefs in your kitchen with Sous-Vide equipment from MakeCuisine . As food is vacuum sealed it does not dehydrate or lose its texture while cooking . The original weight, flavor, natural color and aroma & nbsp; are maintained .
Enjoy haute cuisine restaurant dishes cooked by yourself at home, with total ease. p>

Savor unique dining experiences with & nbsp; ThermoCooker . & nbsp; Simply adjust the temperature and press start, & nbsp; from your mobile < / strong> & nbsp; via the & nbsp; MakeCusine Sous-Vide app & nbsp; or from the & nbsp; large anti-fog touch screen control panel . Leave the food in the pot and continue your day until it's ready to eat or store.

All our & nbsp; equipment & nbsp; ThermoCooker & nbsp; have the & nbsp; IPX7 certification , & nbsp; the most demanding regulations in terms of safety & nbsp; of electrical appliances that work in contact with water . & nbsp; IPX7 & nbsp; means that in case of accidental & nbsp; immersion our equipment can withstand & nbsp; in water at 1 meter , for & nbsp; 30 minutes . & Nbsp;

The & nbsp; MakeCuisine products have & nbsp; components & nbsp; and & nbsp; finishes & nbsp; PREMIUM , our Quality Control team & nbsp; applies the most comprehensive standards in the industry & nbsp; to guarantee & nbsp; optimal performance for years strong> to the full satisfaction of our customers.

Vacuum foods keep the original flavors and are also very healthy. Little or no additional salt or fat is needed during cooking. In addition, vacuum sealing food does & nbsp; vitamins and minerals are not lost during the cooking process , unlike boiling or steaming. p>

EASY "haute cuisine"
Sous-Vide & nbsp; brings you closer to the world of haute cuisine with maximum comfort and simplicity. Discover that you do not need large facilities or complex equipment to create exquisite dishes . You just have to enter the time and temperature. Sous-Vide products from & nbsp; & nbsp; Make Cuisine do the rest.

Enjoy all the advantages of Sous-Vide and win in time for what really matters to you . With vacuum packaging, you can prepare your meals in advance and have them ready for when you need them most. Also you can save it keeping all its properties .

Sous-Vide allows you to keep food under cooking for long periods of time. This technique & nbsp; favors the elimination of a greater number of pollutants, such as viruses or bacteria , than traditional cooking methods.

The dishes will always be as you you want. It doesn't matter how many times you make a recipe or where you prepare it. Thanks to its precision , you will be able to enter the exact time and temperature you need to prepare the best recipes .

Sous-Vide reduces fumes, odors and utensils as well. such as used fats and oils. The water used for cooking is reusable and you can also & nbsp; use sealing jars or recyclable silicone bags . Kitchen & nbsp; more practical and ecological.